"He is the Image and Glory of God, but the Woman ..." (1 Cor 11:7): "Uncovering" the Understanding of the Imago Dei

Although the description of humanity as in imago Dei has occasioned an enormous volume of literature, the reference in 1 Corinthians 11:7 has been largely ignored, probably because what is seems to say is hardly popular, especially in the modern world. Can it be that women are not in the image of God? Nevertheless, if the passage is taken seriously, it provides a fresh understanding of the meaning of the image. Substantialist interpretations of the meaning of the image are largely out of favour, modern understanding preferring the ideas of dominion and interpersonal relations. Although both of these can pertain to the Corinthians passage, it may be suggested that its focus must fall on the difference in creation of men and women in Genesis. In this case, the image of God resides in the direct bestowal of life from God, which does pertain only to the original man, but not to the woman, nor to successive humans. At the same time, the New Testament locates the image only in Christ, which is consistent with this view. However, and emphatically, if a person, man or woman, accepts the offer of new life, he or she then becomes in the image. In this case, there is total sexual equality, as Paul elsewhere states. If the image of God is then seen as comprising all three relational aspects, this relates to the three main relationships of people, to God, others and the world, and is very compatible with the understanding of God, and so the image, as Trinitarian.