The Last Corinthians? Settlement and Society from 146 BCE to the Roman Colony

Over the past 40 years archaeologists have questioned the assumption that after the destruction of Corinth by Mummius in 146 BCE, the city lay abandoned until the foundation of the Roman colony in 44 BCE. Using archaeological evidence, we can now clearly demonstrate the existence of a small, but thriving Greek community in Corinth composed of returned Corinthians and other local inhabitants during this “interim” period. On the basis of a persistent local ceramic tradition and continued contact with Corinth's neighbor Sikyon between the late 2nd and late 1st c. BCE, it can be argued that the new Roman colony integrated an indigenous Greek population of craftsmen and low level laborers who were already present in the region. The presence of these Greek Corinthians may have facilitated the survival of some local social, cultural and religious practices in the early Roman colony.