July 14, 2016 Newsletter
SBL Newsletter View this issue in your browser or see the archive.

Bible Odyssey

We have a new main article on the Second Temple from Lawrence Schiffman!

Did you know that Eve appears in the New Testament? Linda Schearing delves into the history of interpretation for the "first woman."

How deep is your love? James E. Harding explores the relationship between David and Jonathan .

Mike Holmes answers the question, "What are English translations of the Bible based on?"

Any topics you would like to see Bible Odyssey address? Let us know at: bow@sbl-site.org

SBL on Twitter

shares content related to Bible Odyssey and biblical studies in general.

a combined channel for communication to SBL members from the SBL Professions, Congresses, and Membership departments.

@SBLPress will be posting new publications, e-book releases, and special sales.

SBL Calendar

A listing of worldwide events of interest to biblical and religious studies scholars.

In Memoriam page

SBL Membership and Subscriptions

Have you updated your member profile for this year? Profile information helps SBL better serve you and the academy; please keep your information up to date. You can see the results of last year’s report here. We are working on the data for this year’s report so do please fill out, or update your profile if you have not done so already.

As an active member of SBL you have online access to the Journal of Biblical Literature and the Review of Biblical Literature from our website. Simply login with your member number and follow the links to read Journal of Biblical Literature (JBL)  and Review of Biblical Literature (RBL).

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SBL Meeting in Seoul

Thanks to all who attended the 2016 International Meeting in Seoul, Korea. It was productive and enjoyable. It was covered in the Korean Press here and here, including some pictures of the event. We hope to see you in Berlin, Germany for next year's meeting. Registration for the 2017 International Meeting will open at the 2016 Annual Meetings this November.


Annual Meetings 2016

Are you one of the 2,166 unique participants in this year’s program? Check when you are scheduled to present in the program online here. Or, if you are not a participant, search for sessions and units of interest.

For more information about the Annual Meetings 2016, including travel information and frequently asked questions, please feel free to visit our Annual Meetings 2016 website.

The Advance Registration deadline is August 18.  If you haven’t registered, please register now before the rates increase.  To register you will need your SBL Membership number and a valid Mastercard, Visa or American Express card available.


New Titles from SBL Press

Don’t forget to visit the Kindle Store and Google Play to search for available SBL Press and Society of Biblical Literature titles.

An Introduction to Empire in the New Testament
Adam Winn, editor

The purpose of the present volume is to introduce students and nonspecialists to the growing subfield of New Testament studies known as empire studies. This volume includes a diverse group of interpreters who at times have differing presuppositions, methods, and concerns regarding how the texts of the New Testament engage the Roman Empire, but who all hold in common a belief that Rome’s empire is a crucial foreground for reading and interpreting at least certain New Testament texts.

Paper $49.95, ISBN 9781628371338
Hardcover $64.95, ISBN 9780884141525
Kindle, ASIN B01HBPR69E
Google Play, ISBN 9780884141518
368 pages • 2016 • Resources for Biblical Study 84

John, Jesus, and History, Volume 3: Glimpses of Jesus through the Johannine Lens
Paul N. Anderson, Felix Just, S. J., Tom Thatcher, editors

In this third volume of the John, Jesus, and History Project, an international group of distinguished experts demonstrate over two dozen ways in which John contributes to an enhanced historical understanding of Jesus and his ministry. Moving from the last days of Jesus to his works and words, this volume provides glimpses of Jesus through the Johannine lens.

Paper $67.95, ISBN 9780884140825
Hardcover $87.95, ISBN 9780884140849
Kindle, ASIN B01HN4YE7K
Google Play, ISBN 9780884140832
662 pages • 2016 • Early Christianity and Its Literature 18

Transgender, Intersex, and Biblical Interpretation
Teresa J. Hornsby and Deryn Guest, editors

In this volume Hornsby and Guest introduce readers to terms for the various identities of trans people and how the Bible can be an affirmation of those deemed sexually other by communities. This book offers readings of well-known (e.g., Genesis 1; Revelation) and not so well known (2 Samuel 6; Jeremiah 38) narratives to illustrate that the Bible has been translated and interpreted with a bias that makes heterosexuality and a two sex, two gender system natural and thus divinely ordained. The authors present examples that show gender was never a binary, and in the Bible gender and sex are always dynamic categories that do, and must, transition.

Paper $27.95, ISBN 9781628371352
Hardcover $42.95, ISBN 9780884141563
Google Play, ISBN 9780884141556
132 pages • Semeia Studies 83

The Life of Adam and Eve in Greek: A Critical Edition
Johannes Tromp

This critical edition of the Life of Adam and Eve in Greek is based on all available manuscripts. In the introduction the history of previous research is summarized, and the extant manuscripts are presented. Next comes a description of the grammatical characteristics of the manuscripts’ texts, followed by a detailed study of the genealogical relationships between them, resulting in a reconstruction of the writing’s history of transmission in Greek. On the basis of all this information, the Greek text of the Life of Adam and Eve in its earliest attainable stage, is established.

Paper $31.95, ISBN 9781628371437
214 pages • Brill Reprints


New ICI Books Posted in June

The Prophets Speak on Forced Migration
Boda, Mark J., Frank Ritchel Ames, John Ahn, and Mark Leuchter, eds. The Prophets Speak on Forced Migration.  Ancient Israel and Its Literature 21. Atlanta: SBL Press, 2015.

The Ancient Martyrdom Accounts of Peter and Paul
Eastman, David I. The Ancient Martyrdom Accounts of Peter and Paul. Writings from the Greco-Roman World 39.  Atlanta: SBL Press, 2015.

Jesus the Central Jew: His Time and His People
LaCocque, André. Jesus the Central Jew: His Time and His People. Early Christianity and Its Literature 15. Atlanta: SBL Press, 2015.

Contextualizing Israel’s Sacred Writings: Ancient Literacy, Orality, and Literary Production
Schmidt, Brian B. Contextualizing Israel’s Sacred Writings: Ancient Literacy, Orality, and Literary Production. Ancient Israel and Its Literature 22. Atlanta: SBL Press, 2015.

See all ICI Books


Follow handbook updates on the new SBL Handbook of Style blog

Do you have a question, comment, or suggestion about the SBL Handbook of Style, 2nd edition?
If so, please contact SBL Press at SBLHS2@sbl-site.org.


Extensive changes and additions render the first edition outdated
Essential for publishing in ancient Near Eastern, biblical, and early Christian studies
Definitive answers to questions of style, spelling, transliteration, and citation

Hardcover $39.95  •  ISBN 9781589839649  •  368 pages

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