Sonship in 1 Peter

It has long been recognised that Israel is a "controlling metaphor" for the renewed people of God in 1 Peter. Recent research has debated the most significant OT background in the service of this metaphor, with proposals including Psalm 34, Isaiah, Zechariah, Malachi, and the exodus period. I find the latter proposal to be worthy of further consideration, and in this context seek to explore the significance of the theme of sonship in 1 Peter. I suggest that this theme has been underplayed, and seek to explore how and why 1 Peter utilises this image of the "rebirthed inheritor." I propose that the image of "rebirth into an inheritance" in 1:3-4 is fleshed out with the four familial metaphors of "obedient children," "callers on a father," "brotherly lovers," and "newborn infants" in 1:14-2:3; and that this imagery is pertinent because the recipients are to consider their identity to be informed by the Son whom God called out of Egypt.