Criticus is an open-source Python GUI application that was developed to help at various points in the textual studies workflow. These points include transcription, collation, and digital apparatus visualization. In this paper, I will highlight three of the eleven modules included in Criticus which may be of use to other text and manuscript researchers. (1) MarkdownTEI is both a modified superset of the Markdown (a simple markup language) syntax, and an extended parser. It takes as input a Markdown-encoded transcription and outputs a TEI XML-encoded transcription that is fully compliant with the International Greek New Testament Project (IGNTP) TEI guidelines. This module provides an alternative to using WYSIWYG XML editors and an alternative to encoding transcriptions fully by hand. (2) Apparatus Explorer is a Python-Django web application for (a) visualizing a digital collation, (b) editing the genealogical relationships of readings, (c) and publishing digital critical apparatuses. (3) Finally, the Export to DOCX module from Criticus will take a TEI-encoded collation file and produce a DOCX file with an apparatus suitable for publication. In addition to an explanation of the technical details of these three tools, I will provide clear instructions for how anyone may access and use them.