June 15, 2016 Newsletter
SBL Newsletter View this issue in your browser or see the archive.

Bible Odyssey

Any topics you would like to see Bible Odyssey address? Let us know at: bow@sbl-site.org

SBL on Twitter

shares content related to Bible Odyssey and biblical studies in general.

a combined channel for communication to SBL members from the SBL Professions, Congresses, and Membership departments.

@SBLPress will be posting new publications, e-book releases, and special sales.

ACLS Announcments

RJIA Grants
The American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) announced the inaugural cohort of grantees for the Luce/ACLS Program in Religion, Journalism & International Affairs (RJIA).
RJIA grants provide support to universities with strengths in the study of religion, journalism, and media to pursue programming that connects scholarship on religion to journalism training and practice.
More information

RJIA Fellowship Applications
The competition to select the RJIA program’s first cohort of research fellows will open in August 2016. ACLS will award up to six fellowships to scholars in the humanities and humanistic social sciences who wish to pursue research on any aspect of religion in an international context while also developing capacities to relate their work to conversations in the media. In addition, the program will convene fellows with select journalists and public policy experts at symposia during the 2017-2018 fellowship year.
More information.

Mellon/ACLS Public Fellows
The 2016 cohort of Mellon/ACLS Public Fellows has been announced. Each of this year’s 20 fellows will take up a two-year, full-time position at one of a select set of nonprofit and government organizations across the United States. The program is designed to provide PhDs in the humanities or humanistic social sciences with significant, career-building experience in the government and nonprofit sectors.
More information

SBL Calendar

A listing of worldwide events of interest to biblical and religious studies scholars.

In Memoriam page

SBL Membership and Subscriptions

Have you updated your member profile for this year? Profile information helps SBL better serve you and the academy; please keep your information up to date. You can see the results of last year’s report here. We are working on the data for this year’s report so do please fill out, or update your profile if you have not done so already.

As an active member of SBL you have online access to the Journal of Biblical Literature and the Review of Biblical Literature from our website. Simply login with your member number and follow the links to read Journal of Biblical Literature (JBL)  and Review of Biblical Literature (RBL).

Support SBL with Amazon Purchases

SBL Press and Social Media

SBL is pleased to announce that as of June 1 @SBLPress is on Twitter, and the SBL Handbook of Style blog launched. @SBLPress provides news of new publications, e-book releases, and special sales. The SBL Handbook of Style blog explains elements of SBL style, corrects errors in the second edition, and answers style questions unaddressed in the recent edition. Both aid the Society’s mission to foster biblical scholarship alongside @SBLSite and @BibleOdyssey. @SBLSite continues to provide member updates, annual and international meeting information, and links to committee reports. @BibleOdyssey increases biblical literacy through your interviews and contributions to “Ask a Scholar.” SBL’s social media accounts depend upon your thoughtful engagement. Please tweet or post your questions, comments, and observations. We look forward to hearing from you!

New Council News Page

SBL Council will be sharing highlights from the spring and fall meetings that may be of particular interest to members.It is our hope that SBL members, which now number more than 8000, will find these news briefs informative and helpful for keeping up with the work that the Council does on behalf of the Society and its members. The spring 2016 Council meeting, held last month, covered several areas about which members may especially want to be informed. As we move forward, all reports will be archived on the same council news page.

SBL Annual Meeting

The last chance for Early Bird registration rates for the SBL Annual Meeting is Thursday, June 23!   If you haven’t registered for the SBL Annual Meeting 2016 yet, the Early Bird registration rates are in effect through the end of the day (11:59 pm Eastern Standard Time) Thursday, June 23. After this day they will increase an additional $50 so please make sure to Register Now.  Please make sure to have your SBL Membership number and a valid Mastercard, Visa or American Express credit card available when you register.
You may also make a hotel reservation at one of our available conference hotels when you register. The Annual Meeting Exhibits, Employment Center and Registration areas will be located at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center.   Activities, events, receptions and sessions will be held at the Grand Hyatt, Marriott Rivercenter, Marriott Riverwalk, Hilton Palacio del Rio and the Hyatt Regency Riverwalk  All locations are within walking distance of one another. 
More than 1,000 academic sessions, additional meetings, receptions, workshops, and tours will be offered at the Annual Meetings 2015.  To review additional information about the 2016 Annual Meetings, please click here. If you have questions, please contact us and we’ll be glad to assist you. 
Register Now and make plans to enjoy time with your colleagues in a great city.  See you in San Antonio!
Are you one of the 2,166 unique participants in this year’s program? Check when you are scheduled to present in the program online here. Or, if you are not a participant, search for sessions and units of interest.

SBL International Meeting

See the schedule here. Sessions for the SABS meeting on Saturday, July 2 will be held at the Methodist Theological University, and sessions for the main International Meeting will be held on Sunday through Thursday (July 3 – July 7) at Yonsei University in downtown Seoul. The two locations are about one mile apart. Registration is also available here. If you have questions or concerns about the schedule, please contact Charlie Haws, Director of Programs, at charles.haws@sbl-site.org. Questions about registration, tours, etc., should be directed to internationalmeeting@sbl-site.org

New Titles from SBL Press

Don’t forget to visit the Kindle Store and Google Play to search for available SBL Press and Society of Biblical Literature titles.

La Violencia and the Hebrew Bible: The Politics and Histories of Biblical Hermeneutics on the American Continent
Susanne Scholz and Pablo R. Andiñach, editors
La violencia refers to the brutal, repressive, and murderous policies of state-sponsored violence practiced in various Central and South American and Caribbean countries during the twentieth century, often supported and fostered by external powers such as the USA. This collection examines how the Bible in its varied and complex interpretation histories relates to violence and war within selected past and present contexts in America. The contributors come from the Caribbean and North, Central, and South America and include Cheryl B. Anderson, Pablo R. Andiñach, Nancy Bedford, Lee Cuéllar, Steed V. Davidson, Serge Frolov, Renata Furst, Julia M. O’Brien, Todd Penner, José Enrique Ramírez, Ivoni Richter Reimer, and Susanne Scholz.
Paper $34.95, ISBN 9781628371307 
Hardcover $49.95, ISBN 9780884141327
Google Play, ISBN 9780884141310
254 pages • 2016 • Semeia Studies 82

Dismembering the Whole: Composition and Purpose of Judges 19–21
Cynthia Edenburg
The book of Judges ends with a bizarre narrative of sex and violence that starts with a domestic tiff and ends with the decimation of a tribe that is restored by means of abduction and rape. Cynthia Edenburg applies a fresh literary analysis, recent understandings of historical linguistics, and historical geography in her exploration of the origin of the anti-Benjamin polemic found in Judges 19–21, the growth and provenance of the book of Judges, and the shape of the Deuteronomistic History. Her study exposes how Judges 19–21 functions as political polemic reflecting not the premonarchic period but instead the historical realities of the settlement of Benjamin during the Babylonian and Persian period.
Paper $51.95, ISBN 9781628371246
Hardcover $71.95, ISBN 9781628371260 
Kindle, ASIN B01EMHBA28
Google Play, ISBN 9781628371253
440 pages • 2016 • Ancient Israel and Its Literature 24

Exploring Second Corinthians: Death and Life, Hardship and Rivalry
B. J. Oropeza
Oropeza combines rhetorical pictures (rhetography) with interpretative layers (literary features, intertextuality, socio-cultural, ideological, and sacred textures) to arrive at the rhetorical impact of Paul’s message for ancient Mediterranean discourse. This multi-faceted commentary on Second Corinthians breathes fresh insight into Paul’s letter on different levels.
Paper $99.95, ISBN 9780884141235
Hardcover $119.95, ISBN 9780884141259
Google Play, ISBN 9780884141242
916 pages • 2016 • Rhetoric of Religious Antiquity 3


Follow handbook updates on the new SBL Handbook of Style blog

Do you have a question, comment, or suggestion about the SBL Handbook of Style, 2nd edition?
If so, please contact SBL Press at SBLHS2@sbl-site.org.


Extensive changes and additions render the first edition outdated
Essential for publishing in ancient Near Eastern, biblical, and early Christian studies
Definitive answers to questions of style, spelling, transliteration, and citation

Hardcover $39.95  •  ISBN 9781589839649  •  368 pages

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