Bible and Cultural Studies
Program Unit Type: Section
Accepting Papers? Yes
Call For Papers: In conjunction with a number of program units, the Bible and Cultural Studies will host two sessions on “Labor and Migration.” Papers and workshops will consider how the study of labor, migration, and their interconnections, have impacted biblical studies. These sessions will explore how particular approaches to labor and migration—as both separate and interconnected themes and as both theoretical and social scientific foci—have been employed within scriptures and as practices surrounding scriptures. We will particularly attend to how communities negotiate labor and migration across dynamics of power (e.g. historical, linguistic, racial, ethnic, cultural, gender, sexual, differently-abled, human/non-human dynamics). We will examine how labor and migration have framed and been understood, contextualized, theorized, and practiced in the bible, in its interpretation, and in its political and religious uses. The first session will comprise a panel on labor and migration as well as a "study together" session following the panel. The second session will focus on pedagogy (how to teach labor, migration, and biblical studies) and mentoring.We are also co-sponsoring an additional session with a number of AAR groups titled “Senses, Bodies, and Education: Teaching and Learning from this Place and this Space.” For this session, we invite papers engaging theoretical and practical concerns on the possibilities of how embodied decolonial pedagogies and practices in the teaching of religion and theology are intersectionally incarnated in persons occupying multiple positionalities of race, gender, class, sexual orientation, and religious commitments within the enmeshed and complicated relationships between teachers' bodies, students' bodies, and the bodies of the wider community and contexts in which teaching and learning may occur.
Program Unit Chairs