Ethiopic Bible and Literature
Program Unit Type: Section
Accepting Papers? Yes
Call For Papers: We plan three sessions.
The THEOT (Textual History of the Ethiopic Old Testament Project): The THEOT project has analysed large sets of Ethiopic manuscripts dating from the 14th-20th centuries CE for several books, including Deuteronomy, Judges, Ruth, 1-4 Kings, Esther, Psalms, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Hosea, Joel, Obadiah, Jonah, Malachi, and the Biblical Canticles. Analysis is developing a picture of textual clusters and families, their defining features , and a picture of the key factors influencing the development of the text. Papers presenting the current state of research, or that synthesize data and develop the picture of the textual history are invited. This session would also welcome papers from specialists interested in the Septuagint and its use in Ethiopic literature.
Secondly, an open session welcomes papers that seek to understand the ideology, sociology and the process of literary formation, of the Ethiopic tradition. There is a strong interest in papers on the Ethiopian commentary tradition, and also in the liturgical use of texts. This year there is a particular interest in papers on the Ethiopian national epic, the Kebra Nagast, and associated literature.
A joint session with the Syriac Literature and Interpretations of Sacred Texts Section, invites contributions that show intersections between Ethiopic and Syriac, Syriac-Arabic, Coptic-Arabic exegetical, literary, or historical traditions. We are especially interested in papers that deal with hagiographical traditions on ascetics (e.g., Isaac of Nineveh, Antony, Pachomius, Basil, or Evagrius).
Program Unit Chairs