Speech and Talk in the Ancient Mediterranean World
Program Unit Type: Section
Accepting Papers? Yes
Call For Papers: Speech and Talk in the Ancient Mediterranean World is planning TWO joint sessions for 2016. -- CFP ONE #1: The Speech and Talk and Senses and Culture in the Biblical World program units invite proposals for a joint session on the theme of silence and the senses within the ancient Mediterranean world. We invite proposals for papers on the definition, nature, and symbolism of silence as expressed in the OT/HB, the NT, and other texts in the biblical world, as well as in the reception history of these materials. Paper proposals may address, among other topics, instances of externally-imposed silences as punishment (including examples of mutilation, such as cutting out the tongue or off the ear of a slave); metaphorical uses of silence as punitive sense-deprivation; the relationship among silence, speech, and other senses or gestures; specific motifs regarding silence and their significance (e.g., silence as repentance, divine judgment, reverence, or helplessness); or the reception of biblical perspectives on silence. The abstract should state the paper's thesis, outline the approach that will be taken, and identify the primary texts and examples to be discussed.---- CFP TWO #2: The Speech and Talk and Space, Place, and Lived Experience in Antiquity Program Units invite papers for a joint session exploring the confluences of speech, space, and gender, including (but not limited to) questions like: What kinds of gendered expectations governed spaces (conceived as conceptual, literary, or physical), and the kinds of discourse that could occur or flourish in those spaces? What places were forbidden, accepted, or especially fecund for the women's speech, men's speech, or speech that was otherwise particularly gendered? Did space govern speech, or did speech govern space? Was there a dialectical relationship between space and speech in antiquity, and did gender participate in that dialectic? Papers using queer theory to think about these questions are welcome.
Program Unit Chairs