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Meeting Program Units

2017 International Meeting

Berlin, Germany

Meeting Begins8/7/2017
Meeting Ends8/11/2017

Call for Papers Opens: 11/9/2016
Call for Papers Closes: 2/21/2017

Requirements for Participation

Apocalyptic Literature

Program Unit Type: Section
Accepting Papers? Yes

Call For Papers: The Apocalyptic Literature Unit invites papers in the following areas: [1.] We welcome paper proposals on all topics related to "Apocalyptic Literature in Early Judaism and/or Early Christianity." Depending on the number and nature of the proposals accepted, we might run two sessions, one or both on more specific topics defined by either text(s) or chronology. [2.] For our second session, we invite paper proposals on the topic of "Religion, Politics, and Apocalyptic Speculation." "Religion and Politics" is one of the major themes identified by the hosts of ISBL 2017 Berlin. Their overlap very much informs the production of apocalyptic literature, particularly in view of its functions and social settings and as it informs ideas of group identity and justice. [3.] For our third session, we welcome paper proposals on the topic of "Slavonic Translations of Second Temple Texts." This session is convened in celebration of the inclusion into ISBL of the Rethinking Biblical Written Tradition through Slavonic Interpretations Unit, and is held in conjunction with it and also with the Hellenistic Judaism Unit of the ISBL and the Slavonic Apocrypha Unit of the EABS. [4.] Our fourth session, "Dead Sea Scrolls and the Genre Apocalypse," is convened jointly with the Dead Sea Scrolls unit. The Scrolls have contributed greatly to our understanding of apocalyptic speculation in the Second Temple era, from the recovery of the earliest manuscripts of the Enochic and Danielic writings to the discovery of many new apocalyptic texts. With the full corpus of Scrolls now available, it is time to reconsider questions related to genre and definitions of apocalyptic literature, including those that inform wider issues, such as apocalyptic rhetoric, social setting, and eschatology. We welcome paper proposals on topics related to the the theme of this session (a few papers will also be invited).

Program Unit Chairs

Lorenzo DiTommaso

Propose a Paper for this Program Unit

If you are a SBL member, you must login before you can propose a paper for this or any other session. Please login by entering your SBL member number on the left in the Login box.

For all other persons wanting to propose a paper, you must communicate directly with the chair of the program unit to which you want to propose. Chairs have the responsibility to make waiver requests, and their email addresses are available above. SBL provides membership and meeting registration waivers only for scholars who are outside the disciplines covered by the SBL program, specifically most aspects of archaeological, biblical, religious, and theological studies.

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