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Meeting Program Units

2017 International Meeting

Berlin, Germany

Meeting Begins8/7/2017
Meeting Ends8/11/2017

Call for Papers Opens: 11/9/2016
Call for Papers Closes: 2/21/2017

Requirements for Participation

Early Christianity (EABS)

Program Unit Type: Affiliate
Accepting Papers? Yes

Call For Papers: Healing and Medical Practices in the Early Christian World In the ancient world, illness and disability were sometimes explained by material causes but more frequently they were believed to be inflicted by gods and demons. These two aspects were seldom wholly separated as religious and medical insights went hand-in-hand. From about the 5th century BCE onwards, medicine in Greece began to develop as critical science but in addition to more or less well-trained doctors, “charlatans”, magicians and exorcists offered their services to the sick. Illness did not only affect body and spirit but also the social and religious status of a person suffering from it. In the New Testament and other early Christian literature, ideas concerning illness and healing appear in many forms. Illness can be explained as a result of sin and healing often takes the form of exorcism. There are magical attitudes to illness but also some elements from popular medicine (e.g., spittle in John 9:6). Illness and recovery can also be used as metaphors and later on, Christ was called a doctor and a healer of the soul who has the power to restore both body and soul. The 2017 seminar is looking for contributions that deal with questions such as: How illness and healing are represented in early Christian texts? How did illness affect those who suffered from it? How did it change their lives? Where could they find a cure? How knowledge of healing and cures are reflected in the interpretation of biblical stories? We welcome proposals for papers dealing with any of these or related aspects. We especially encourage interdisciplinary approaches using insights from anthropology, philosophy, cultural theory and other relevant fields.

Program Unit Chairs

Michael Labahn
Outi Lehtipuu

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For all other persons wanting to propose a paper, you must communicate directly with the chair of the program unit to which you want to propose. Chairs have the responsibility to make waiver requests, and their email addresses are available above. SBL provides membership and meeting registration waivers only for scholars who are outside the disciplines covered by the SBL program, specifically most aspects of archaeological, biblical, religious, and theological studies.

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