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Meeting Program Units

2017 International Meeting

Berlin, Germany

Meeting Begins8/7/2017
Meeting Ends8/11/2017

Call for Papers Opens: 11/9/2016
Call for Papers Closes: 2/21/2017

Requirements for Participation

The Language of Colour in the Bible: From Word to Image (EABS)

Program Unit Type: Affiliate
Accepting Papers? Yes

Call For Papers: Given that the Bible was both created and evolved in various contexts, the study of colour in biblical and apocryphal texts as well as early Christian literature the use of colour terms colours by neighbouring peoples cannot be ignored. For this reason, this year, we are also welcoming papers which study the language of colour not only in biblical texts but also in literature that has developed in the nearby regions: Mesopotamia, Greece and Rome. Of particular interest is the examination of which hues indicate the terms, in what contexts they appear, what symbolism do they contain etc. in order to make a comparative study between the texts. Since literature and painting are inextricably linked, as evidenced in the development of the medieval miniature, two parallel avenues of research regarding the development of biblical manuscripts between the X and XII centuries open. On the one hand, following the iconographic method, the impact of literary sources in the illumination of the codices may be assessed, taking into account the writings within the Christian tradition and the artistic treaties that served as guidance for painters. Moreover, case studies of miniatures contained in Romanesque biblical codices will be admitted, in order to establish the key criteria for the selection of the colour palette and if is symbolic or purely aesthetic readings.

Program Unit Chairs

Lourdes García Ureña
María Rodríguez de Velasco

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For all other persons wanting to propose a paper, you must communicate directly with the chair of the program unit to which you want to propose. Chairs have the responsibility to make waiver requests, and their email addresses are available above. SBL provides membership and meeting registration waivers only for scholars who are outside the disciplines covered by the SBL program, specifically most aspects of archaeological, biblical, religious, and theological studies.

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