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SBL is committed to its core values, including inclusivity, equity, and critical inquiry. The Society strives to promote engagement from a variety of perspectives and to foster a respectful environment that rejects all forms of discrimination and harassment.
Call for Papers
2018 International Meeting
Helsinki, Finland
Meeting Begins
Meeting Ends
Call for Papers Opens
: 10/18/2017
Call for Papers Closes
: 2/14/2018
Requirements for Participation
Program Units
Sections offer the broadest access to the meeting program. Volunteer paper proposals are welcome.
Allusions in the Gospels and Acts
Ancient Near East
Ancient Near Eastern Iconography and the Bible
Anthropology and the Bible (EABS)
Apocalyptic Literature
Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha
Apostolic Fathers and Related Early Christian Literature
Bible and Empire
Bible and Its Influence: History and Impact
Bible and Syriac Studies in Context
Bible and Visual Culture
Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Law
Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Wisdom
Biblical Interpretation in Early Christianity
Canonical Approaches to the Bible (EABS)
Catholic Epistles
Digital Humanities in Biblical Studies, Early Jewish and Christian Studies (EABS)
Digital Humanities in Biblical, Early Jewish, and Christian Studies
Early Christianity (EABS)
Early Christianity and the Ancient Economy
Emotions and the Biblical World (EABS)
Epigraphical and Paleological Studies Pertaining to the Biblical World
Epistle to the Hebrews
Families and Children in the Ancient World
Gospel of Mark
Healthcare and Disability in the Ancient World
Hellenistic Greek Language and Linguistics
Hellenistic Judaism
Hellenistic Judaism (EABS)
Iconography and Biblical Studies (EABS)
Intersectional Feminism(s)
Israel in the Ancient Near East (EABS)
Johannine Literature
Literary Features – Fact or Fiction (EABS)
Nag Hammadi and Gnosticism
Paul and Pauline Literature
Pentateuch (Torah)
Place, Space, and Identity in the Ancient Mediterranean World
Political Biblical Criticism
Postcolonial Studies
Psychological Hermeneutics of Biblical Themes and Texts
Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls
Quran and Islamic Tradition in Comparative Perspective
Rethinking Biblical Written Tradition through Slavonic Interpretations
Ritual in the Biblical World
Septuagint Studies
Stylistics and the Hebrew Bible
Synoptic Gospels
Textual Criticism: Manuscripts & Methods
The Bible in the Iberian World: Fundaments of a Religious Melting Pot (EABS)
The Bible in the Twenty-First Century: Politization of Bibles and Biblization of Politics (EABS)
The Biblical World and Its Reception (EABS)
Writings (including Psalms)
Seminars are established around well-defined research topics or projects with specific publication plans. Seminars have limited membership but permit auditors. Papers are discussed, not read.
Biblical Characters in Three Traditions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam)
Contextual Interpretation of the Bible (Hebrew Bible/Old Testament and New Testament)
Persian Period
Consultations are exploratory program units focused on new areas of interest. Volunteer proposals are occasionally welcome.
Biblia Arabica: The Bible in Arabic among Jews, Christians, and Muslims
Food as Concept / Symbol / Metaphor
History of Biblical Scholarship in the Late Modern Period
Methodological Pluralism in the Study of Genesis
The Biblical World and Cultural Evolution (EABS)
SBL Committees
Status of Women in the Profession
Archaeological Fieldwork in the Bronze and Iron Age Levant (EABS)
Archaeological Fieldwork in the Hellenistic-Roman Mediterranean (EABS)
Bible Translation Workshop (EABS)
Biblical Reception History and Authority in the Middle Ages and Beyond (EABS)
Bodies of Communication (EABS)
Centralization and Cult in Persian Period Israel: Biblical, Historical and Comparative Perspectives (EABS)
Citizens and Aliens in Greco-Roman Antiquity (EABS)
Comparative Methodology (EABS)
Concepts of Leadership in the Hebrew Bible (EABS)
Construction of Identity in the Ancient World: Intersections and Reflections (EABS)
Deconstructive Poetics (EABS)
Developing Exegetical Methods (EABS)
Diachronic Poetology of the Hebrew Bible and Related Ancient Near Eastern and Ancient Jewish Literature (EABS)
Dispelling Demons: Interpretations of Evil and Exorcism in Ancient Near Eastern, Jewish and Biblical Contexts (EABS)
Editorial Techniques in the Hebrew Bible in Light of Empirical Evidence (EABS)
Enoch within and outside the Books of Enoch: Parabiblical Writings, Iconography and Oral Tradition (EABS)
Europe Contested: Contemporary Bible Readings Performed by "Ordinary" Readers in a European Context (EABS)
Graeco-Roman Society and the New Testament (EABS)
Historical Approaches to the Bible and the Biblical World (EABS)
Intersections: A Forum for Research on Ancient Israel, Hebrew Bible, and Cognate Topics (EABS)
Judaeans in the Persian Empire (EABS)
Medicine in Bible and Talmud (EABS)
Metaphor in the Bible (EABS)
Nationalism, Religion, and Archaeology (EABS)
Nida Institute for Biblical Scholarship at the American Bible Society
Northwest Semitic Epigraphy Related to the Biblical World (EABS)
Open Forum for New Testament and Early Christian Studies (EABS)
Orality and Literacy in Early Christianity (EABS)
Parables in Rabbinic Judaism and Early Christianity: Towards a New Comparative Approach (EABS)
Pleasure in Early Christian and Jewish Literature (EABS)
Prophecy and Foreign Nations (EABS)
Prophets and Prophecy (EABS)
Relationship between the "Major Prophets" and the "Scroll of the Minor Prophets": text, methodology, hermeneutics and Wirkungsgeschichte (EABS)
Septuagint of Historical Books (EABS)
Slavonic Apocrypha (EABS)
Slavonic Parabiblical Traditions (EABS)
Sociological and Anthropological Approaches to the Study of the Evidence of the Mishnah (EABS)
Textual Criticism of the New Testament, the Old Testament and the Qur’an (EABS)
The Bible and Ecology (EABS)
The Bible in Arabic in Judaism, Christianity, Islam (EABS)
The Core of Deuteronomy and Its World (EABS)
The Greek of Jews and Christians Through the Pax Romana (EABS)
The Language of Colour in the Bible: From Word to Image (EABS)
Ugarit and the Bible: Life and Death (EABS)
Virtue in Biblical Literature (EABS)
Vision and Envisionment in the Bible and its World (EABS)
What a God is Not – The Early History of Negative Theology (EABS)
Wisdom in Israel and in ANE Wisdom Literature (EABS)
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