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Call for Papers

2019 International Meeting

Rome, Italy

Meeting Begins7/1/2019
Meeting Ends7/5/2019

Call for Papers Opens: 10/31/2018
Call for Papers Closes: 1/30/2019

Requirements for Participation

  Program Units

Sections offer the broadest access to the meeting program. Volunteer paper proposals are welcome.
Allusions in the Gospels and Acts
Ancient Near East
Ancient Near Eastern Iconography and the Bible
Apocalyptic Literature
Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha
Apostolic Fathers and Related Early Christian Literature
Bible and Empire
Bible and Its Influence: History and Impact
Bible and Visual Culture
Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Law
Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Wisdom
Biblical Interpretation in Early Christianity
Catholic Epistles
Digital Humanities in Biblical, Early Jewish, and Christian Studies
Early Christianity and the Ancient Economy
Epistle to the Hebrews
Families and Children in the Ancient World
Gospel of Mark
Healthcare and Disability in the Ancient World
Hellenistic Greek Language and Linguistics
Hellenistic Judaism
Intersectional Feminism(s)
Johannine Literature
Nag Hammadi and Gnosticism
Paul and Pauline Literature
Pentateuch (Torah)
Place, Space, and Identity in the Ancient Mediterranean World
Political Biblical Criticism
Postcolonial Studies
Psychological Hermeneutics of Biblical Themes and Texts
Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls
Quran and Islamic Tradition in Comparative Perspective
Rethinking Biblical Written Tradition through Slavonic Interpretations
Ritual in the Biblical World
Septuagint Studies
Stylistics and the Hebrew Bible
Synoptic Gospels
Textual Criticism: Manuscripts & Methods
Writings (including Psalms)
Seminars are established around well-defined research topics or projects with specific publication plans. Seminars have limited membership but permit auditors. Papers are discussed, not read.
Biblical Characters in Three Traditions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam)
Contextual Interpretation of the Bible (Hebrew Bible/Old Testament and New Testament)
Consultations are exploratory program units focused on new areas of interest. Volunteer proposals are occasionally welcome.
Exchanges in Biblical Studies
Food as Concept / Symbol / Metaphor
History of Biblical Scholarship in the Late Modern Period
Return Migration in Biblical Literature
SBL Committees
Status of Women in the Profession
Nida Institute for Biblical Scholarship at the American Bible Society


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