2021 Annual Meeting
Meeting Begins: 11/20/2021
Meeting Ends: 11/23/2021
Call for Papers Opens: 1/20/2021
Call for Papers Closes: 3/24/2021
Requirements for Participation
Program Units
Sections offer the broadest access to the meeting program. Volunteer paper proposals are welcome.
Academic Teaching and Biblical Studies
African Biblical Hermeneutics
African-American Biblical Hermeneutics
Ancient Fiction and Early Christian and Jewish Narrative
Ancient Near Eastern Iconography and the Bible
Aramaic Studies
Archaeology of Religion in the Roman World
Art and Religions of Antiquity
Assyriology and the Bible
Bible and Emotion
Bible and Ethics
Bible and Film
Bible and Popular Culture
Bible and Practical Theology
Bible and Visual Art
Bible in America
Bible, Myth, and Myth Theory
Biblical Exegesis from Eastern Orthodox Perspectives
Biblical Greek Language and Linguistics
Biblical Hebrew Poetry
Biblical Law
Biblical Lexicography
Biblical Literature and the Hermeneutics of Trauma
Book History and Biblical Literatures
Book of Acts
Book of Daniel
Book of Deuteronomy
Book of Ezekiel
Book of Isaiah
Book of Psalms
Book of Samuel: Narrative, Theology, and Interpretation
Book of the Twelve Prophets
Children in the Biblical World
Christian Apocrypha
Christian Theology and the Bible
Cognitive Linguistics in Biblical Interpretation
Contextual Biblical Interpretation
Contextualizing North African Christianity
Corpus Hellenisticum Novi Testamenti
Cultic Personnel in the Biblical World
Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature
Deuteronomistic History
Development of Early Christian Theology
Digital Humanities in Biblical, Early Jewish, and Christian Studies
Disputed Paulines
Early Christianity and the Ancient Economy
Early Jewish Christian Relations
Ecological Hermeneutics
Economics in the Biblical World
Egyptology and Ancient Israel
Ethics and Biblical Interpretation
Ethiopic Bible and Literature
Feminist Hermeneutics of the Bible
Gender, Sexuality, and the Bible
Gospel of Luke
Gospel of Mark
Greco-Roman Religions
Healthcare and Disability in the Ancient World
Hebrew Bible, History, and Archaeology
Hebrew Scriptures and Cognate Literature
Hellenistic Judaism
Historical Jesus
Historiography and the Hebrew Bible
History and Literature of Early Rabbinic Judaism
History of Interpretation
Homiletics and Biblical Studies
Ideological Criticism
Intertextuality and the Hebrew Bible
Intertextuality in the New Testament
Inventing Christianity: Apostolic Fathers, Apologists, and Martyrs
Islands, Islanders, and Scriptures
Israelite Prophetic Literature
Israelite Religion in Its Ancient Context
Jesus Traditions, Gospels, and Negotiating the Roman Imperial World
Jewish Christianity / Christian Judaism
Johannine Literature
John's Apocalypse and Cultural Contexts Ancient and Modern
Latino/a/e and Latin American Biblical Interpretation
Latter-day Saints and the Bible
Letters of James, Peter, and Jude
LGBTI/Queer Hermeneutics
Literature and History of the Persian Period
Lived Religiousness in Antiquity
Masoretic Studies
Meals in the HB/OT and Its World
Metacriticism of Biblical Scholarship
Metaphor in the Bible and Cognate Literature
Minoritized Criticism and Biblical Interpretation
Mysticism, Esotericism, and Gnosticism in Antiquity
Nag Hammadi and Gnosticism
New Testament Textual Criticism
Papyrology and Early Christian Backgrounds
Paul within Judaism
Pauline Epistles
Pauline Theology
Performance Criticism of the Bible and Other Ancient Texts
Philology in Hebrew Studies
Postcolonial Studies and Biblical Studies
Poverty in the Biblical World
Prayer in Antiquity
Qur'an and Biblical Literature
Racism, Pedagogy, and Biblical Studies
Reading, Theory, and the Bible
Recovering Female Interpreters of the Bible
Religious Competition in Late Antiquity
Religious Experience in Antiquity
Religious World of Late Antiquity
Rhetoric and Early Christianity
Ritual in the Biblical World
SBL International Meeting Presentations
Senses, Cultures, and Biblical Worlds
Slavery, Resistance, and Freedom
Social History of Formative Christianity and Judaism
Social Sciences and the Interpretation of the Hebrew Scriptures
Social Scientific Criticism of the New Testament
Space, Place, and Lived Experience in Antiquity
Synoptic Gospels
Syriac Studies
Teaching Biblical Studies in an Undergraduate Liberal Arts Context
Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible
Textual Criticism of the Historical Books
The Bible in Ancient (and Modern) Media
The Historical Paul
Theology of the Hebrew Scriptures
Transmission of Traditions in the Second Temple Period
Ugaritic Studies and Northwest Semitic Epigraphy
Use, Influence, and Impact of the Bible
Violence and Representations of Violence in Antiquity
Wisdom and Apocalypticism
Wisdom in Israelite and Cognate Traditions
Womanist Interpretation
Women in the Biblical World
Writing/Reading Jeremiah
Seminars are established around well-defined research topics or projects with specific publication plans. Seminars have limited membership but permit auditors. Papers are discussed, not read.
Consultations are exploratory program units focused on new areas of interest. Volunteer proposals are occasionally welcome.
SBL Committees