2020 International Meeting
Meeting Begins: 7/5/2020
Meeting Ends: 7/9/2020
Call for Papers Opens: 10/23/2019
Call for Papers Closes: 1/29/2020
Participation Details
Participation Limits
- A person is normally limited to participate in no more than two regular program sessions as a presenter, panelist, or respondent.
- SBL committee and business sessions do not count toward this total.
- Proposals require presentation title and an abstract of approximately 300 words—longer abstracts will be shortened.
- Papers are most often allotted 20-25 minutes in a session, with 5-10 minutes for discussion.
- If you have a question about a particular program unit, email the chair listed in the Call for Papers for that unit.
- Proposals must be submitted through the online system.
- All presentations must be new presentations of the scholar's own original work. In absentia presentations are not typically accepted.
- Papers cannot be repeated in other sessions or at other SBL meetings.
Registration and Membership Requirements
Program Participation
- Membership is required from the time of proposal through the meeting.
- Membership status will be checked by May 1 and non-current members will be removed from the program at that time.
Registration for Meeting
- All participants and attendees are required to register through SBL.
- All meeting participants must be registered by May 1. Registration will be checked and those not registered will be removed from the program.
Waivers of Registration and/or Membership Requirements
- The consideration for waiver is not simply whether one is or is not a "biblical scholar," but whether one works regularly with the literatures, histories, and cultures (material and social) that interface "Bible," broadly construed.
- Membership in other related organizations (e.g., AAR, ASOR) does not qualify one for a waiver.
- Waivers are granted on a one-time basis only. If a waiver recipient wishes to participate on the program a second time in subsequent years, he or she must join the SBL.
- Waivers will not be granted to expired SBL members.
- A waiver for the International Meeting may include:
- Waiver of membership requirement;
- Complimentary meeting registration;
- The waivers program is administered by the Programs staff in consultation with the Executive Director and the International Meeting Program Committee.
- Waiver recipients register using a waiver registration form, which is usually sent to all waiver recipients by May 15.