Forum On Thriving In The Academy: Politics, Processes, and Practices
SBL's Underrepresented Racial and Ethnic Minorities in the Profession Committee (CUREMP) recognizes that racial and ethnic minority biblical scholars, particularly those of junior rank, face systemic obstacles and barriers that prohibit survival and thriving in the academy. CUREMP’s inaugural Forum On Thriving In The Academy: Politics, Processes, and Practices webinar, which took place 26 October 2024, 4 pm–6 pm ET, aimed to address this problem. The forum included a one-hour panel of six seasoned biblical scholars representing the Global South and North who discussed obstacles and barriers and suggested tactics and strategies for survival and thriving. The panel moderators were Professors Jin Young Choi and Gregory Cuéllar. The panel discussion is available.

Dr. Ma. Marilou S. Ibita (De La Salle University-Manila/KU Leuven) is an active member of the Society of Biblical Literature, the European Association of Biblical Studies, and the Catholic Biblical Association of the Philippines. She recently co-edited
Kindness, Courage, and Integrity in Biblical Texts and in the Politics of Biblical Interpretation: Festschrift Reimund Bieringer (2023, with D. Kurek-Chomycz, B. Lemmelijn and S. Whitear.). She is the 2024 Distinguished Fellow of the Anthropocene at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Dr. Vanessa Lovelace is Associate Dean and Associate Professor of Old Testament/Hebrew Bible, Lancaster Theological Seminary. Her research interests include Deuteronomistic History, the intersection of theory of gender and nation, race, and biblical studies, and womanist criticism. Dr. Lovelace authored A Womanist Reading of Hebrew Bible Narratives as the Politics of Belonging from an Outsider Within (Lexington Books/Fortress Academic, 2024) and co-edited Womanist Interpretations of the Bible: Expanding the Discourse (SBL Press, 2016).

Dr. Francisco Lozada, Jr. is Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty and Professor of New Testament Studies, Christianity Theological Seminary. His research focuses on cultural biblical hermeneutics and Johannine studies. Dr. Lozada also held numerous leadership positions in the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL), including Chair of the Program Committee, Council member, co-chair of the Johannine Literature Program Unit, and co-chair of the Latino/a/e and Latin American Biblical Interpretation Program Unit, and other roles.

Dr. Monica Melanchthon is a church worker, theological educator, and a student of the Bible. She is Associate Professor, Old Testament/Hebrew Bible, Pilgrim Theological College, University of Divinity, Melbourne, Australia. Dr. Melancthon is committed to producing reflections and texts that resist and counter cultures and languages of dominance that exclude voices of the oppressed. Her most recent publications include two co-edited volumes:
Terror in the Bible: Rhetoric, Gender, and Violence (SBL Press, 2021) and
Bible Blindspots: Dispersion and Othering (Pickwick, 2021).

Dr. Itumeleng D. Mothoagae is chair of the Department of Gender and Sexuality Studies, Unisa. He earned a PhD in New Testament studies. Dr. Mothoagae’s specializations include New Testament ethics, cultural translation studies, postcolonial Bible translation, decoloniality, and African biblical interpretation. His academic interests also encompass womanist theories, critical race theory, Black theology of liberation, and identity studies. Dr. Mothoagae recently published
The 1840 Translation of the Gospel of Luke as a Technology of Power: A Decolonial Reflection (AOSIS Books, 2024).

Dr. Roger S. Nam is professor of Hebrew Bible, Candler School of Theology, Emory University. A financial analyst before turning his attention to biblical studies, Dr. Nam focuses his research on the economies of the ancient Near East and the book of Ezra-Nehemiah, applying traditional historical-critical methods within social-scientific frameworks. He has also served as a pastor in Seoul, Korea.
Previous CUREMP-sponsored webinars:
Recording of 2023 Webinar To Be or Not to Be: Why Pursue a PhD in Bible?
2023 Panelists
Ronald Charles (University of Toronto)
Jacqueline Hidalgo (University of San Diego)
Christopher Hoklotubbe (Cornell College)
Roger Nam (Emory University)
Laura Nasrallah (Yale University)
2023 Moderators
Ahida Pilarski (St. Anselm College)
Ekaputra Tupamahu (George Fox University)
Recording of 2020 To Be or Not to Be? Why Pursue a PhD in Bible?
Valarie Bridgeman, Methodist Theological School in Ohio
Jacqueline Hidalgo, Williams College
Jennifer Kaalund, Iona College
Uriah Kim, Graduate Theological Union
Luis Menendez-Antuna, Boston University
Jean-Pierre Ruiz, Saint John’s University (Moderator/Presider)
Mitzi Smith, Columbia Theological Seminary (Moderator/Presider)
Jeremey Williams, Harvard University