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Meeting Program Units

2010 International Meeting

Tartu, Estonia

Meeting Begins7/25/2010
Meeting Ends7/29/2010

Call for Papers Opens: 10/1/2009
Call for Papers Closes: 2/2/2010

Requirements for Participation

Psychological Hermeneutics of Biblical Themes and Texts

Program Unit Type: Section
Accepting Papers? Yes

Call For Papers: Psychological Hermeneutics of Biblical Themes and Texts invites papers which interpret aspects of biblical studies through the lens of psychological models and perspectives. This section is the arena, therefore, for presentations and discussion dealing with the interface and mutual illumination of the sciences of Psychology and Biblical Studies. Papers will be welcomed which address specific biblical texts, narratives, pericopes; or biblical or biblical-theological themes, interpreted or illumined by means of psychological insights. Recognising the important contributions that the University of Tartu (Universitaet Dorpat in German) has made to the discipline of psychology for over 200 years, partly because of its geographical position-near Finland and the West-and its intellectual ambience-longstanding links with German scholars (see, we solicit contributions that match the objectives of our unit (as outlined above) and would welcome papers in German as well as English.

Program Unit Chairs

Bas van Os
J. Harold Ellens
Heather A. McKay

Propose a Paper for this Program Unit

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For all other persons wanting to propose a paper, you must communicate directly with the chair of the program unit to which you want to propose. Chairs have the responsibility to make waiver requests, and their email addresses are available above. SBL provides membership and meeting registration waivers only for scholars who are outside the disciplines covered by the SBL program, specifically most aspects of archaeological, biblical, religious, and theological studies.

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